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I am so excited my blog has been nominated for the Liebster Blog award. I've never been nominated for anything before and didn't think that anyone would nominate my little old blog. I would like to thank Oliver Saak for nominated me for the award, it really means a lot. Hopefully I can keep writing my interesting post, and promoting more indie writers and spread the love.

One of my readers Oliver Saak, nomiated me for the award and I am very thankful.

So what's it all about?

These are the rules for the

Liebster Blog Award:
1. List eleven random facts about yourself.
2. Nominate eleven other bloggers for the Liebster Blog Award. 
3. Notify these bloggers.
4. Ask eleven questions that the bloggers must answer upon accepting the Liebster Blog Award.5. Answer the eleven questions that you were asked when you were nominated.6. Link back to the person who nominated you.

Eleven random facts about me:

1. I like Anime...A LOT
2. I have strong dislike for spiders
3. I like to write books where the characters have some of my traits in them.
4. I was supposed to live in ā€žEngland!
5. I studied English, but wanted to be a Marine Biologist
6. I currently studying to be an English Teacher!
7. I start all my books by handwriting them first!
8. I listen to a lot of 30 Second to Mars!
9. I love to fish!
10. I like to think that I understand the universe, when I sometimes don't!
11. Some of the thoughts I have a very random and possible illegal!

Eleven questions for my nominees:

1. What was the funniest movie you have seen?

2. Whatā€™s your earliest memory?

3. What was your favorite school subject?

4. I wrote something like this...? (No, seriously!) 

5. Do you understand modern art (or even know if itā€™s hanging the right way up?)

6. Most enjoyable book?

7. Ever spent money to buy something you really wanted, although you could hardly afford it at the time? 

8. Apart from when you were a child, have you ever danced in the rain?

9. What country would you like to visit that you have not yet been to?

10. What makes you want to say WTH?

11. Do you see things as black and white or is there purple in there somewhere?

My answers to the Eleven questions.

1. Funniest movie I've seen....I seriously can't remember but Kevin Hart stand up kills me all thetime...Alright Alright Alright.
2. My earliest memory is of my grandfather taking me for ice cream
3. I love biology in high school...but then it changed to English
4. I think we've all read a book that's kind of similar to something we've written. But I have yet to have my OMG moment.
5. I just like the pretty
6. Okay don't hate me..But I really did love Twilight..What I write children and YA sue me
7. Do it everyday...I can't stop buying journals even though I have tons
8. Never danced in the rain...Always ran from it..Black hair and rain NOPE
9. I really want to go to England and Sweden 
10. Every time I see crazy stuff on TV...that's why I stick to watching Anime
11. There is most def purple in my vision..I like to see the purple side of life. (It's nicer and less complicated.)
Congratulations to my nominees! The Blogs listed here are unique and include emerging Bloggers andAuthors.

My nominees are:

+Jessica G
+Lis Ann
+Kia Zi Shiru
+Samantha aka Genesis Jones
+James A
+ Schnelle A
+J.B. Mills
+Veronika Tugaleva
+A. Long
+Wolf Scott
+Jessica M.....


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