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Artist Sara Woolley and Khary Randolph
 So fun time yesterday when I finally got the chance to attend Drink & Draw at Mary O's, hosted by none other than amazing comic book artist himself Khary Randolph. After accepting every event invitation the group on Facebook sent me and never showing up; I was finally able to attend one of the monthly gathering of this group of awesome illustrators and artist. The event which welcomes all artist is hosted every second Wednesday of each month (unless it changes). Most of the artist there gather to socialize with others within their field and to also draw some amazing art. Like artist, Khary Randolph, Sara Woolley, N Steven Harris, and Javier Cruz Winnik, who I meet last year at Comic Con. He and I were the first ones at Mary O's and I got a chance to see what he was working on and it was an amazing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles piece. Mind you being a huge Turtles fan it got 1 1/2 thumbs up from me. Why 1 1/2 thumbs you ask, well to put in plainly Rafael wasn't in the front. Sorry I am a Raf fan. 

TMNT as drawn by Javier Cruz Winnik
 Once the event got on the way I found myself a little lost in this vase sea of talent. They had a model there who did some great poses for the artist to draw, but I being a total novice fell into disarray when I looked around me and saw all those pencils sketching away. Each artist was in the zone watching the model, who by the way is name Hazel Honeysuckle, as she changed poses and giving them new angels to draw. 

 The air was charged with talent. Each artist drawing in their own unique style. I tried my best to remember everything I learned in life draw class back in college, but fell short. But I didn't get down on myself for too long, since I bucked up and remembered hey you're an artist also with words. So with that in mind I looked around at all the intense faces around me that were producing genius on the spot and though about what I could write to relay how the night went. Well that is it.
Sketch of model Hazel Honeysuckle by N Steven Harris

 Unfortunately, I couldn't stay until the end of the event. But before I left I spoke to Khary who asked me if I drawn anything? I said yes, but then went on to tell him that I wouldn't show it to anyone, due to the fact I thought I was bad (and it was) compared to the amazing things I saw around me. But he reminded me that the event is called Drink and Draw. He asked me did I drink, and that was a yes (cranberry juice-mommy can't go home with beer breath) and if I had drawn anything, which was another yes. And I saw where he was going I had accomplished what the event is all about having a drink and drawing the best that you can, and enjoying the talented people around you. Hopefully I will get to attend next month Drink & Draw event and have more great things to say about it.

 If you're an artist here in New York or close by and have time to come out to the event look up the Facebook page by clicking on the link Drink and Draw NYC and see what's is all about. You will also see some of the great work that these artist have produced at past Drink & Draw events.


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