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Showing posts from April, 2014


If you didn't already know English lovers everywhere have been celebrating the birthday of one of history's best play writes Sir William Shakespeare. Shakespeare has brought us many wonderful and tragic plays such as, Othello, Macbeth, A Midsummer Nights Dream, and Hamlet. I can say for one that I love his work and find that I draw upon them sometimes in my writing and even my teaching to show how his work is still relevant. I use it in my teaching to demonstrate that all the issues that we face today are issues that Shakespeare wrote about long before anyone. So in honor of his birthday why not pick up one of his books and read to your hearts content. 

Book Update

So yesterday I finally finished typing up book one of my new sci-fi-distopia novella. It has been sitting around since June 2013 waiting to be typed up, but everything (school, job, life) got in the way. But happily I did that yesterday and now I am headed into editing and see if everything I've done so far works. Also on a happy note, I will be handing off a copy to a good friend of mine graphic designer and Illustrator Ian WIllis. Ian and I will be collaborating on possible putting some illustrations in my latest work and working on future projects together. Hopefully I will have a concept to show you of the book cover for my new book and also the title. I really didn't say anything about it because I don't know if I want to keep the title, since I was in Barnes and Nobles sometime ago and found a book there with the exact same title. SO, I am thinking I might ad something to it so that at least it's somewhat different. Well if you would like to view more of


Hey everyone, So I had a random thought while in bed. Thought: At any time do you feel like you are losing yourself? Well, I think I've been feeling that way for the past couple of weeks. I've been so unmotivated and I find it such a pain to even move to get things I need to be done. I've been sitting on my book for the past couple months and I've started typing what I have up so I can hand it off to the illustrator so that he can start on pulling the graphics together, but I just keep typing some and saying that I will get back to it when I have time... As a writer, I feel that this feeling, this whatever it is, could be the total death of my writing. I usually have a bunch of ideas swarming around in my head, ready to be put on paper, but lately, that's not happening for me. I want to know if anyone else has had this feeling? I am hoping that this is just a thing right now so that I can get back on my game. I haven't really written anything as far as