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So I finally saw Iron Man 3 yesterday...Don't ask me how cause I'm not telling. But what can I say is, I thought it was the best Iron Man out of all 3 out the movies. The action sequences were great to say the less and the fact that Robert Downy Jr. wasn't the only one being the hero made the movie even better. And another lesson don't ignore the genius nerd...It might come back to haunt you later on or try and steal your girlfriend.

Pepper and Tony's relationship already on the rocks due to Tony's night terrors is in even more danger. Pepper who is less then sympathetic at the time since she doesn't know what's really going on with him feels that their relationship needs work. Tony stays up night after night making new Iron Mans and one Iron Woman..Yes he made an Iron Woman...Watch the movie and you will see what I am talking about. So with all the new suits he makes Tony makes one that comes to him on command, but this suit also listens his subconscious. While he and Pepper are asleep the suit attacks he, due to the nightmare  Tony was experiencing.

Iron Man 3 crosses over with  situations in The Avengers movie...Tony has anxiety problems due to his clash with the aliens and now Iron Man is a shade of his self. Suffering from panic attacks in critical situations this is not what you expect from our cocky hero. But all those things have to be put away when your relationship is endanger and you challenge is crazy terrorist on international television. Que the ominous music. After is friend and former bodyguard Happy Hogan is injured in one of  The Mandarin's attacks, Tony calls him out on TV and because of this Tony's house is hit with a missile attack. Talk about over kill.

That is where all the action picks up. After the missile attack Pepper is kidnapped, so that Tony will help the crazy terrorist fix a formula that turns mere humans into something else. We also learn that there is a man behind the scene other than the Mandarin (bet you can't guess who it is). The movie rolls out even faster and the action picks up even more. With an crazy assortment of Iron Man suits and yes War Machine rename Iron Patriot (I wonder why?) why wouldn't the action just get better.

SO in my opinion it's a must see, due to the fact that this might be the last Iron Man movie with Robert Downy Jr. as Tony Stark. Weird Right. How do I know this? I read rumors while I troll around the Internet, but hopefully if this is the end of the Iron Man movies they left us with a good one and also a lead into the next Avengers movie. You will see what I mean when you get past all the credits at the end of the movie.

Iron Man 3 gets 9 out of 10 from me only because I didn't get to see Pepper rock the iron woman suit


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