It's been almost two months since Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 came out and already we long to have some more Bella and Edward action in our lives. Well tough cookies! The books are done; the movies are over and you think to yourself "now what?" Well don't fear my fellow Twihards. If you are a true Stephanie Meyer fan than you know what's coming. In month plus "The Host" another bestseller from the author that got us addicted to sparkly vampire is scheduled to be in theaters Like many of my fellow Twilight loving fans we might say there's no Edward in it....Sorry loves not everything can be about our favorite vampire.
Deception, fighting for survival, and love it makes for awesome story telling. The Host is sure to be a hit and I can't wait to see it. So start counting down from now and if you're really hard up for some Bella/Edward stuff you can just imagine their faces on the other actors, but why would you. The roles of both the male leads are played by hot as ever Jake Abel (Ian O'Shea) and Max Irons (Jared Howe). You might remember Jake Abel from Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lighting Thief. And Max was in Red Riding Hood. The lady of interest is portrayed by Saoire Ronan. You might remember her from Hanna, Atonement, The Lovely Bones. She is no new comer and get is a great actress. I first saw her in the City of Ember and thought she was awesome.
Well go and get it book and prepare yourself for the movie.
Well go and get it book and prepare yourself for the movie.
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