must say in advance that people will be annoyed with the lead character
because me being who I am I kept saying why doesn't he say something,
why doesn't he do something, but when you look back at it you see that
he is just a kid that no one really pays much mind too and he doesn't
get the support from those around them that he should get. But going to a
different environment he finds this support in people the rest of his
community looks down on.
This was a great book to read. I started reading it because I had to
read it with the 8th grade class that I was leading, but I finished the
book in advance to create questions for them to answer and test their
knowledge of the reading. I must say that I really liked it because it
taught all kinds of lessons, such as sticking up for yourself, speaking
out when you see something that is unjust done, and doing the right
thing and sticking up for people you consider your friends. I think that
anyone that wants to show their students that it isn't always easy
doing to right thing, but in the end it pays off should read/teach this book.
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