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Okay so this one is kind of about me and a total miss opportunity to say hi to someone that I  know from television. So last night after I left class I embarked on my long ride back to the dark streets of Brooklyn. While on the 2 train I saw a man come in wearing a NY Mets hat. I looked at him and at first didn't pay him much attention until my brain told me he looked familiar. So after looking at him again and then racking my brain I finally remembered who he was. 

So as the train went on and people got off and on the train I made my way closer so I could make sure and yup I was right. So I waited and finally the person sitting next to him finally go up giving me the opportunity to sit next to him and say hi. Well it really really didn't work out that way. I sat next to him (and I know at this point you're like who was it already) looking over the notes that he was jotting down and attempted to work up the nerve to say hi and tell him that I found him very funny and that I liked his work on the Daily Show, but being the giant chicken that I am I didn't  So I sat there  next to John Oliver as he went over his notes for a show I am guessing and listening to what I guess was a rehearsal since he was talking to himself a little. So I sat there until he arrived at the Atlantic Ave/Barley Center stop and got off the train and I thought to myself  you're such a chicken.

It's amazing how when you see someone that is in the industry and you want to express your admiration to them of their work and talent, but you totally miss it because you're either too chicken, too shy, or you rationalize yourself out of doing because you say "hey he is just a normal guy riding the train, let him be. You don't get the opp. to say what you should have said. Well this is me saying "Hey John Oliver...Love your work on The Daily Show. I think your awesomely funny." So whether he remembers the young lady sitting next to him in her  green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hoodie or not it was a total miss moment for me. So next time you see someone you admire say hi and tell them you think they are really great at whatever they do and keep it moving (you don't wanna be the weirdo). But don't let total misses happen to you.


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