Hi, everybody, itās been awhile since I have written a post on my blog and I am trying out a new dictation system on my Windows 10 so hopefully, I will get to blog a little bit more. A lot has happened since I've last blogged. I wanted to share all the stuff that I that has happened to me and the places that I went. I've been on vacation for the past 2 weeks. It's amazing how you are so eager to go on vacation but then when you already have vacation you don't really know what to do with yourself, so I think about myself to explore the city that I live in well only a small part of the city of it I've always seen Brooklyn Bridge Park from afar and decided that one day when it was sunny I was going to go.

So, I'm that day I decided to go to the park I really didn't plan anything I just took it upon myself to follow the directions and walk myself to the park um I got lost a little bit because I didn't really know how to read my um Google map and but it was simply not that I redirected myself and I got there but I must say that the park is very beautiful. You can take the A train to the Brooklyn Bridge stop and the walk is not very far. The park is clean, spacious, and you can catch the ferry to Manhattan, but what is most impressive is the view. While I was there I walked around and took some nice pictures off the bridge, ends of the statue Liberty but you can see from this you at the park. After being at the park for a while I decided that I wanted to do something else I've never been on the ferry here in Brooklyn and decided to take the ferry from Brooklyn Bridge Park to 34th St. in Manhattan. From 34th St I walked all the way to 42nd St-Times Square where I shopped around at different stores so if you're into shopping there are a lot of stories thereās Old Navy, H&M, the gap, any number of other stores.

there are a lot of places to eat. I decided to stop at BB Q's to have lunch which was very delicious so if you're ever in time square is in you just need a quick bite BBQ's is right there in In Times Square and they are fast so you won't say hungry for long. After eating lunch, I decided that I wanted to see a movie, so I went to the Regal Theater and I have to say that this one is one of the most luxurious theater that I ever been in. The seats are recliners so you're able to sit and watch your movie in Comfort Inn not have to worry about like space or anyone saying excuse me while passing through or having anyone bottom in your face while they pass by. After the movie, I went to dinner at the Olive Garden which is all the way past the red steps in Times Square wall right behind the red steps in Times Square it was packed at the time that I went, and I have to say that the service was good, and the food was great.
In all, I had to say that I had a very pleasant day. So if you're ever in New York make sure to check out Brooklyn Bridge park and take the ferry ride over to Manhattan and less you're tired and you just don't have it in you to walk you can catch a cab from 34th St to 42nd St. Times Square mix and mingle with the rest of the tourist that are there .
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