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Hey all it's ME!!! Well it sure has been a while since I posted anything here, and I wanted to come by and give and update on what is going on around me, with me, and for me.

Life is so a big ball of stress, but you have to push through it and smile or else you will totally drown. So let's first start off with what's going on around me. Well most of you know that I live in New York and last week was a total mess with traffic and all since the Pope was in town. There were a lot of people out there showing love to the Pope for his visit to the United States. I only got to see him on TV, because I wasn't going to go out there  plus, I like my sanity. Getting through any cowards in New York will drive you totally crazy. But it's great to see so many people show their faith, since so much of us really don't. 

Whatelse??? Well unless you are one of the mold people or living in a cave you totally saw the Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. It was amazing! I spent about an hour outside with my son watching it and he was totally amazed by the moon changing color. I was so happy to watch it with him, because when the next one happens I'll be in my 50's and him in his 20's. It's really amazing all the natural things that happen around us and above us. So now and then it's nice to take notice of the wonders that are universe let's us enjoy for free. Source: Flickr. Original Title: ā€œBlood Moon Suspended in spaceā€ by Sudhamashu Hebbar. Attribution 2.0 Generic License. 2008.

Now we are going to move on with what's happening with ME! Well I've been a a HUGH slump when it comes to my writing. I haven't really written anything new and my old projects have yet to be finished. The last story that I wrote ALTERED GENESIS, is still on there on waiting for you all to grab a copy. But for right now I haven't done anything new. I have been thinking of ways to finish up other projects I've been working on such as, the next installment of The Adventures of Marco and Carla, which I am hoping will be done maybe by the end of the year. I've been working on two other stories besides that and I don't know the they will be finished. 

I am hoping that this block that I am having will go away soon. HOPEFULLY!!!

I am back to work (Woohooo)! With low book sales, sadly I cannot retire and just sit around and write books. So it's back to substitute teaching. Why do I like teaching? Well besides the fact that I get most of my ideas when I am at work, I also love being able to teach those that are willing to listen and learn something that's not on TV or YouTube. So far so good.

Well now what's going on for me?? Nothing much really just working. Over the summer I went back home to Jamaica and it was an amazing trip. Why do you ask? Because I got time to chill and relax and spend some time with my family. I also got to go out and do some well earned fishing. For the first time in my life I got seasick and I was totally pissed off at my self, since I pride myself on being the granddaughter of a great fisherman (R.I.P). Oh yeah!! So if like anyone wants to buy me a plane ticket to South Korean, please do!! I've been thinking about taking a trip to South Korean for awhile now. It's on the list of my top 10 places I want to visit. It's like tied with my other number one Japan. Hopefully I get to go soon, because I've been drowning myself in Korean Dramas. My latest obsession which ended "Scholar Who Walks at Night" AMAZING... 

But well that's enough...Hopefully I will be updating you all about what is coming out next for me and other things that I love and I think you should look into loving also. 

Have and amazing Day.....joh-eun halu doeseyo!!


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