Greetings All,
So I've been thinking of what should get done first regarding my books and stories and have been revisiting alot of my projects that have fallen to the way side. I started on the edits for The Receptionist and so far so go. I am hoping to have it done by the end of the year, like I said in my previous article.

I am really happy with it so far, since a lot of people that have read the rough version of it really liked and wanted to know what happend to the characters involved in this piece. Happily I will say that this piece of work is more towards the teen and the adult reading group, because of some of the content. I am trying to be dual minded as far as writing things for kids and writing for adults also. Even though I love writing for children, I don't want to close myself off as a writer, so I am exploring as far as writing other things.
So, I have about four to five projects on hand for you all to read and hopefully I can upload a sample of one or a couple of stories on my personal website, Shamara Davis Books for you all to download and enjoy. Also I really want to see if I can get feedback, but I am kind of apprehensive about placing all my new work out there since they might end up on another website.
Anyway lookout for the titles: The Receptionist, Altered:Genesis and Witchling (maybe a series) soon.
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