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I've been hearing quiet a buzz about a movie called Beasts of the Southern Wild and decided I had to see it. So on Saturday I happened to watch the whole movie and was moved by it and what can I say anything that moves me has to be amazing.

Beasts of the Southern Wild Poster
Beasts of the Southern Wild is about a town called the Bathtub and the young girl name Hushpuppy who lives there with her father. Hushpuppy's world is threaten when the polar ice caps start to melt and flood her part of the bayou. In conjunction with the treat of losing her home she must also worry about losing her father who's failing health causing him to act harshly towards his daughter to strengthen her up for when he is gone. 

The people of the Bathtub love their home and refuse to leave even after it was totally flooded. This flood not only alters Hushpuppy's view on life it also unleashes ancient animals that called Auroch, that have made their way from the poles down to the bayou. Hushpuppy and the rest of the survives of the flood in the Bathtub come together to prevail over harsh circumstances.

That was just a short intro from me about the movie, since I want you to see it I am not going to give any of it away. The movie is amazing due to the fact that it is carried by a the six year old character. Not only is Hushpuppy the main character of the movie, but she is also the narrator. When you watch this movie you can't help but think how amazing her character is growing up in a community that is so tight, but also so poor to our eyes.

The young actress that plays the role of Hushpuppy, Quvenzhane Wallis is said to be in the running for a Oscar nomination. It would make her the youngest person to be nominated for an an Oscar. Wallis who is now nine years old has give interviews saying that she enjoyed making the movie and looked forward to what else is out there. Also actor Dwight Henry gave a wonderful performance as Hushpuppy's drunk hot tempered father. Henry's performance had me on the verge of tears when you had to watch how not only his drinking affected him, but also how it affected his relationship with his daughter.

Beast of the Southern Wild is a brilliant movie and it does all the praise and adulation that it has received   I hope that you all take time out to see. It gets a 9 out of 10 from me.


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