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Showing posts from 2018

Diary of a Mad Fat Woman

Diary of a Mad Fat Woman 7-6-18 A while back I started a post called diary of a mad fat woman. This talked about or ranted about all the things that women of a certain size could not find in regular stores and had to go to other stores that were specially designed for larger people but most of the stores never had anything women of plus size wanted to wear. I look back on my blog and came to see that I'm not mad anymore, but I will still keep the title ā€œDiary of a mad fat womanā€ since I never reach the weight loss goal that I was looking to a achieve but I'm happy with the condition of my body. Since my last post I believe I did lose a few pounds but I am still considered overweight which is totally fine with me because I am an active overweight woman I participate in Taekwondo, I go to the gym, I walk and I run sometimes, I work out at home and manage my eating with very well. As the years went by and I started to look at myself more and appreciate myself more. I ...


Hi, everybody, itā€™s been awhile since I have written a post on my blog and I am trying out a new dictation system on my Windows 10 so hopefully, I will get to blog a little bit more. A lot has happened since I've last blogged. I wanted to share all the stuff that I that has happened to me and the places that I went. I've been on vacation for the past 2 weeks. It's amazing how you are so eager to go on vacation but then when you already have vacation you don't really know what to do with yourself, so I think about myself to explore the city that I live in well only a small part of the city of it I've always seen Brooklyn Bridge Park from afar and decided that one day when it was sunny I was going to go. So, I'm that day I decided to go to the park I really didn't plan anything I just took it upon myself to follow the directions and walk myself to the park um I got lost a little bit because I didn't really know how to read my um Google map and ...