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Showing posts from December, 2013


Jamaica 2008 I am FREAKING excited....only today and tomorrow left to get through and I am finally finished with graduate school. This process has been such a long one for me. After getting laid off from my 2nd placed dream job( I worked at 4Kids, so free toy swag I miss you) it was time to get that 1st place dream job and since I enrolled in grad school in 2009 it's been nothing but a process. Getting into school, finding money to pay for it, getting accepted into the education program, taking a two semester break because I had a baby and almost paid for it with my life due to MORON MALE doctors (thanks to get Great female doctor who like totally saved me. Blood clots KILL),  and now finally finally I am at the finish line. I really can't wait to be a teacher, but I have two weeks off before school here in New York is back in session. So for the next two weeks I will be working on all the book/stories that I've started and haven't finished. Hopefully 2014 will s...


Hollow World by Michael J. Sullivan . $7.99 from THE FUTURE IS COMING...FOR SOME SOONER THAN OTHERS. All his life Ellis Rogers has played it safe and done the right thing. To find a cure for a terminal illness, he builds a time machine and if it works, heā€™ll face a world that challenges his understanding of what it means to be human, what it takes to love, and the cost of paradise -- but only if he can survive Hollow World. Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria by Rahma Krambo . $4.99 from In the wrong hands, some books can be dangerousā€”and some libraries can be positively deadly. A small town library cat and newly appointed Guardian of an ancient mystical book finds otherworldly creatures roaming through the stacks after hours. The young tabby is ill-prepared for the daunting task of safekeeping the magical book of powerā€”as well as the very heart and soul of the library. Mark of the Dragonfly by Bobbie Shafer . $3.99 from ...


So Christmas is almost upon us once again and you're thinking of gifts. Why not give that person you're thinking of some eBooks. Here are a couple of suggestions: This is my latest books Practically Fiction . My first and only anthology at the moment. This books features ten short stories that I've written and have put out there individually, but to save time and effort I've place them all in one book What Happened to Kerbie Walobee? was released earlier this year.  It's a great books for preteens and young adults. Moving into a new town can bring all kinds of new adventures but sometimes those new things can get you into a lot of trouble. Another great books is from bestseller Rick Riordan: The House of Hades . If you're children are fans of Percy Jackson then they will love Riordan's latest book because I know I do. The book takes up where his previous work left off. Percy and Annabell are trapped in Tarterus and it's up to t...


Hey All!!! So you might be wondering what I've been doing all this time since I haven't updated the site in a while. I am very sorry for that since I remember me say that I would try and update it every two days, but that didn't work out, so now I am going to update you on my latest ADDICTION, which are Korean Dramedies. Are you scratching your head asking "What's a Dramedy?" Well a dramedy is a combination of the word drama and comedy. Shows that have awesome comedic moments in them, but also drama like a soap opera, but without all the old bags. So for the past couple days I've been watching a lot of Korean dramedies on NETFLIX and they are so good. I didn't expect to get caught up in them but they get you so involved. Sure I am totally late since most of the series I am watching only had one season to tell the whole story an they were all aired between 2007-2010, but who cares if I am late to the party....At least I made it and here we go. ...