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Quick Write writing prompt

  Check out my latest video


     I've been thinking about what would be a quality way of spending most of my time at home. Recently I've been going through a lot of the books that I've published and I've noticed awesome slight errors. Iā€™ve been attempting to go through them to correct those errors so I have a better product. After exploring Smashword I came across the affiliate program and thought what a great way to get the names of other authors out thereby promoting their books alongside my own. So here are a couple of books that you might want to check out in your free time  After having my baby I've been looking for a week to get back into shape and trust me a lot of his have been home during the Coronavirus and we are most definitely always looking for a way to lose those extra pounds that we gain during the quarantine. so check out 5 weeks Guide to Explosive Muscle Program  5-Week Guide to Explosive Muscle Program   Don't have enough time have a lot of responsibilities you have...

3 Reasons You Should Try NaNoWriMo

Perhaps for the longest time you've been itching to compose a novel, yet could never discover the time. Or on the other hand, you've had a go at composing books but can't figure out how to complete them. Maybe you've even finished one preceding, however was disappointed by how long it required for you. Well, November is almost upon us and this is a great time to put those ideas on paper or to hit that keyboard and get those ideas that book out on paper. Enter NaNoWriMo I was first introduced to NaNoWriMo while I was in college in my writing class. Happy because of this awesome event I finished a whole story and continued to write more after it. But whatever your reason for writing with NaNoWriMo you are in good company. National Novel Writing Month ( NaNoWriMo ) is an annual event in which participants commit to writing a 50,000-word novel between November 1st and 30th.   Individuals come to NaNoWriMo from a wide range of composing foundations. Be that as it may, maybe ...

4 Inspirational Graphics About Writing

 Stuck not knowing what to write? Need some inspiration? Here are 10 inspirational graphics about writing that will help you keep motivated or to get motivated about your work.  While you are writing your next great piece of work, don't forget about the music. Click on the links below to the relaxing videos that I created. Calm Journey-Meditation Music and Breathings Relaxing Sleep Music + Magical light Sounds -Relaxing, Peaceful, Piano Music Relaxing Music + Tropical Sunrise- Relaxing Music, Smooth Sound, Stress Relief


  Since the hit of COVID-19 we've all known someone or even yourself that have fallen upon hard times, due to losing one's job, getting laid off, or not working enough hours to make ends meet. Well if you're like me who is always looking to make a little extra cash there are many ways to do so. In a few of my post, I mentioned how I've taken to YouTube a lot lately to learn new things, such as makeup own videos for YouTube to see if I can get enough likes to make them monetary (so far still waiting on that) but I have also watched a lot of videos of YouTubers telling you how you can make a little extra income. So here is a list of ways you can make some extra cash with all that time you have on your hands. Uber: Yes Uber! If you have a car and can get on the program Uber is a great way to make some extra money and get out of the house. You are able to plan your own hours and work when you want. Also if you're not interested in picking up people, then you can pick up...


So since I last wrote about still having writer's block. I've been looking a lot at my old pieces of work and started to give their covers a facelift. After watching YouTube and learning more about blogs and a bunch of other stuff, I came across an ad for . Yes I know I might be late to the party for those that have already been using this website to create book covers, but for those that are late with me welcome to the party. Canva offers you a wide array of covers some for free and others at a cost. I being broke and new to the site opted to try the free covers that they had and try to design my own with the templates and art that they supply. It's pretty easy and if I can do it so can you. The site is pretty easy to navigate and searching for what you want is fairly smooth. First I made a new cover for the book that started it all, The Adventures of Marco and Carla: The Dark Castle . As you may or may not know your cover has to be a specific size if you are go...


I t's been a long time since I've picked up my pencil to write anything. I've been at home for the last couple of days (years if you look at it from a different perspective) thinking about the last piece of work I wrote and actually published. Well, it's been years. I've been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching and a lot of things came to mind as to why I had stopped writing after releasing Altered Genesis and Practically Fiction. The first thing was the fact that none of my books were selling. Just to be clear I didn't initially write them to sell them, but to get my work out there and for me to stay you know what I wanted to write stories and share them with people and you know what I did that. But I came to the realization that if people weren't buying my books how am I sharing it with anyone. Yes, I know that getting the work done and actually creating all those stories was an achievement in itself, but I wanted people to read what I wrote and to ...

Don't Just Sit There Learn Something New

  Photo by  cottonbro  from  Pexels Are you bored? Looking for something to do to pass your time? Then why not try to learn something new that you've never done before. for instance, you can learn a new language, learn how to make more money, or learn how to be a better person. While stuck at home there's no reason for you not I have the time to do any of these things. Through quarantine, I've been exploring a lot of ways to occupy my time coupled that with the maternity leave I'm currently on I've been finding different ways to keep myself busy in my time.  One of those ways is by learning a new language. I always wanted to learn how to speak Korean halfway through I switched the language that I wanted to learn to something I thought was much easier. So, I looked up language learning apps and found Duolingo. With Duolingo, I've been learning how to speak Spanish. The app is fun and you don't have to spend all day doing it. It asks you how much time you want...

Being Inspired By YouTube

For the past couple of weeks, Iā€™ve been watching YouTube a lot. Different videos from how to save money to how to make your own YouTube video and monetized them. So yesterday I spent some of my time watching a tutorial on how to make my own videos and I've made 3 videos which were said to be the most popular videos on YouTube garnishing over a million likes. So the videos that I created were basically to help me sleep being a mom to a newborn again, I have not been getting a lot of sleep so I created content that I felt like I needed something that will help me relax and also to help me pass the time and drift off into sleep. so the 3 videos that I made are posted below check them out on my YouTube page and like and subscribe.  The first video has to deal with meditation and breathing with today's atmosphere taking time to yourself and actually thinking and breathing is a great way to relieve stress. The second video along with the Third are videos that are more closely related...

I'm Back- Long Time No Blog

Hey readers, Great to see you all again. It has been quite some time since I last worked on this blog. Let me update you about what has happened over the 2 years since I last posted. Well, I got a new job working as a reading teacher at an awesome charter school after being let go from my other job after 3 years. I also got my black belt in Taekwondo. The last time you saw me I was a high yellow belt I believe. But the world is the world. I have been at home like everyone else during this whole COVID pandemic and within that time I've learned how to juggle being an at-home / working mom. On top of all that I was also pregnant with my second child, who was recently born last moment. So the past couple of years has been totally up and down.  I hope to post more blogs since I will be home for a while. I think there are a lot of things to blog about this year. Hopefully, we can all find some time to sit and read some interesting information and develop our thoughts about them. Well tha...