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Being a mother and a writer is a unique and fulfilling experience.

Being a mother and a writer is a unique and fulfilling experience. As a mother, you have the incredible opportunity to nurture and raise a child, while as a writer, you have the ability to express your thoughts, emotions, and experiences through words. Balancing these two roles can be challenging, but it is definitely possible. One of the key aspects of being a mother and a writer is time management. With the demands of both roles, it's important to find a balance that works for you. This may involve setting aside specific times for writing, whether it's early in the morning, during nap times, or in the evenings. It's also important to communicate your needs and boundaries with your family, so they understand the importance of your writing time. Another aspect to consider is finding inspiration in your everyday life as a mother. Motherhood is filled with countless moments of joy, frustration, love, and growth. These experiences can serve as a rich source of inspiration for ...
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Writer's Block

  Writer's block is a common phenomenon experienced by many writers. It refers to a temporary inability to produce new work or come up with ideas for writing. It can be frustrating and can hinder the creative process. There are several factors that can contribute to writer's block. One of the main causes is fear or self-doubt. Writers may worry about their work not being good enough or fear criticism from others. This fear can paralyze their creativity and make it difficult to start or continue writing. Another factor is perfectionism. Some writers have high standards for their work and feel the need to produce flawless pieces. This pressure to be perfect can create a mental block and prevent them from putting their ideas on paper. External distractions can also play a role in writer's block. Noise, interruptions, or a chaotic environment can make it hard to concentrate and focus on writing. Additionally, personal issues or stress can occupy the mind, making it challenging ...

Second Time Around- Motherhood in the Time of Covid

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     I've been thinking about what would be a quality way of spending most of my time at home. Recently I've been going through a lot of the books that I've published and I've noticed awesome slight errors. Iā€™ve been attempting to go through them to correct those errors so I have a better product. After exploring Smashword I came across the affiliate program and thought what a great way to get the names of other authors out thereby promoting their books alongside my own. So here are a couple of books that you might want to check out in your free time  After having my baby I've been looking for a week to get back into shape and trust me a lot of his have been home during the Coronavirus and we are most definitely always looking for a way to lose those extra pounds that we gain during the quarantine. so check out 5 weeks Guide to Explosive Muscle Program  5-Week Guide to Explosive Muscle Program   Don't have enough time have a lot of responsibilities you have...

3 Reasons You Should Try NaNoWriMo

Perhaps for the longest time you've been itching to compose a novel, yet could never discover the time. Or on the other hand, you've had a go at composing books but can't figure out how to complete them. Maybe you've even finished one preceding, however was disappointed by how long it required for you. Well, November is almost upon us and this is a great time to put those ideas on paper or to hit that keyboard and get those ideas that book out on paper. Enter NaNoWriMo I was first introduced to NaNoWriMo while I was in college in my writing class. Happy because of this awesome event I finished a whole story and continued to write more after it. But whatever your reason for writing with NaNoWriMo you are in good company. National Novel Writing Month ( NaNoWriMo ) is an annual event in which participants commit to writing a 50,000-word novel between November 1st and 30th.   Individuals come to NaNoWriMo from a wide range of composing foundations. Be that as it may, maybe ...