So here is a new one for you guys that I literally just finished reading. Eternally Departed by Steph Anne is a different kind of vampire romance that leaves you going, now this is a story I can sink my teeth into. I know I'm cheesy, this story is worth the read. It's FREE on and when say it's good, it's good.
The language that the author uses to express Dustin's grief gives the the character a life of its own. You feel for him and the relate to him over the situation that took him to this place. The story is very descriptive and I loved the fact that he isn't at all like the stereotypical vampires.
Eternally Departed is a great read and if your looking for something different to read this is a great pick. Check it out by clicking on the link: Eternally Departed
Eternally Departed is a great read and if your looking for something different to read this is a great pick. Check it out by clicking on the link: Eternally Departed
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